Magento 2, Magento Development, Customization, Extension Development and Integration, Optimization, SEO and Responsive Design

Magento 2, Magento Development, Customization, Extension Development and Integration, Optimization, SEO and Responsive Design

How to Create Partial Invoice Programmatically Magento

In this post i am going to share code about how to create Partial Invoice for selected items from the order.

Create Partial Invoice Programmatically Magento

Create Partial Invoice Programmatically Magento

$orderID = "145000010"; //order increment id
$orderDetails = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($orderID);

if($orderDetails->canInvoice() and $orderDetails->getIncrementId())
    //$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($order_id);
    $orderItems = $orderDetails->getAllItems();
    $invoiceItems = array();
    foreach ($orderItems as $_eachItem) {
    $opid = $_eachItem->getId();
    $opdtId = $_eachItem->getProductId();
    $itemss = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($opdtId);
    $psku = $itemss->getSku(); // get product attribute which is used your condition
    if($psku=='Test product1'){
        $qty = $_eachItem->getQtyOrdered();
    } else {
        $qty = 0;

    $itemsarray[$opid] = $qty;
    if($orderDetails->canInvoice()) { 
    echo $invoiceId = Mage::getModel('sales/order_invoice_api')
    ->create($orderDetails->getIncrementId(), $itemsarray ,'Partially create Invoice programatically' ,0,0);

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  1. Hii
    Can you provide me the path here to put this code actually iam very new to magento..Thanks

  2. hi can u give suggestions for partial payment for a single product. Like for a single $100 product, like $70 and $30. 2 invoice for one product

  3. It is possible by Rest api for magento-2.1?When i have 2 item in order,1 is simple and other is bundle.If I will generate invoice for simple product,it give invoice id in response.In this Invoice,Simple product information as well as showing bundle product parent item information.Tell me what is issue?



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